Learn about technology in Haitian Creole to get started

When you code, you think better - think further.

Know Who We Are

We are a company that offers training in technology and digital knowledge.

The courses we offer are available online or in person, with all resources including videos, texts, real-life based projects, and mentoring sessions available.

We Have Multiple Classes

What We Offer

On-site Training

Training can be in the form of bootcamps, workshops, clubs, and code competitions.

Text/Video-based Courses

Courses are available on this platform, with all texts plus videos.


Accompaniment services for each applicant in their professional careers.






Your Success Guide

Become a Web Developer

Become a Mobile App Developer

Become a Desktop App Developer

Become a Database Administrator

Become a Front-End Developer

Become a Back-End Developer

Become a Data Scientist

Become a Web Designer


Frequently Asked Questions

To enroll in a course, you must create an account on the platform. After creating an account, you must select the desired course. Once you have chosen the course, you will find a button labeled "ENROLL." When you click on this button, if the course is paid, you will have the option to pay with Moncash or Paypal. If the course is free, you will be enrolled automatically.

Courses are based on a practical work method and projects based on real life. Instructors, developer communities, and former applicants help each other to complete these tasks. When an applicant successfully completes the final project of a course, they may choose to have a mentor in their professional career.

Payment for a course can be made after clicking "Pay and Enroll" on the course you wish to enroll in. Then you will receive payment options, either with Moncash or with Paypal.

Jobs in the market are not always guaranteed. However, for each course, there are always internship and job offers for the most performing applicants.

Every month, Code9Class organizes Bootcamps or workshops on a course that is already on Code9Class.

After completing a course, you can request to have a mentor in your professional package. The mentor lists will be available to you when you complete your course.